September 15, 2021
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has completed a series of 50 interviews in celebration of its 50th anniversary. One of those interviews features VEE Executive Director Joe Maroon. You can view the interview below or here.
April 21, 2021
Every year since 1984, VEE has provided two college scholarships to deserving high school students. To date, the Endowment has awarded nearly $700,000 in scholarship funds to 72 high school students. The Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) administers the scholarship programs which are named in honor of three founding members of VEE’s Board of Directors.
This year, VJAS received over 800 entries. The winner of the $5000 Henry W. MacKenzie Environmental Scholarship is Lynn Tao of Fairfax, VA. She is a 10th grade student at Thomas Jefferson High School. Her entry was entitled “The Effect of Impervious Surfaces on Stream Health: A Study of Machine Learning and Multivariate Statistical Analyses.” The winner of the $5000 Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Scholarship is Ella Lewis of Amherst, VA. Her entry was entitled “The Effect of Plastic on the Growth of Raphanus sativus.” Ella is an 11th grade student at Central Virginia Governor’s School.
April 21, 2021
In April 2021, the Board of Directors of the Virginia Environmental Endowment approved 16 grants for over $1.15 million in investments in environmental advances, water pollution reductions, land conservation, stream restoration, environmental education, climate resilience training, socially vulnerable and underserved communities, citizen science monitoring, and post-graduate fellowships. The grants touch much of the geography of Virginia and include two three-year “Legacy Grants” for partners in West Virginia and Kentucky.
Virginia Program
Southern Environmental Law Center: Leadership for Advancing Sustainable Land Use and Land Conservation in Virginia, Promoting Coastal Resiliency, and Protecting Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay and throughout the Commonwealth
VEE renewed its support to SELC with a one year grant of $40,000 to continue its vital work on a wide range of critical natural resource issues including conserving open space and natural areas, addressing resiliency, and protecting water quality and the Chesapeake Bay. Match: $2,201,300.
William & Mary Law School Virginia Coastal Policy Center: Coastal Resilience in the Commonwealth
VEE renewed its support to VCPC with a one year grant of $20,000 to continue and expand the Center’s work in educating and informing decision-makers about climate change and coastal resilience challenges including support for its annual conference and assistance related to the Coastal Resilience Master Planning Framework. Match: $20,000.
Virginia’s United Land Trusts: Words to Action: Policies that Serve All Communities
VEE approved a one-year grant of $20,000 to VaULT to engage underserved communities, to increase its role in improving diversity, equity and inclusion in land conservation matters, and to tackling a number of important issues such as dedicated funding for conservation. VEE funds will also support the 2022 conference. Match: $52,000.
Blue Ridge PRISM: Building on Landowner Education for Landscape-scale Conservation
VEE renewed its support with a one-year challenge grant of $20,000 to Blue Ridge PRISM to expand landowner outreach programs relating to invasive species in its 10-county region and to help mitigate the invasive plant problem across the state. Match: $46,243.
James River Association: Evaluating Impacts to Socially Vulnerable Communities and Catalyzing Policies to Alleviate Toxic chemicals within the James River Watershed
VEE renewed its support for a one-year grant of $30,000 to JRA to continue its ongoing work to address water quality problems relating to emerging contaminants, legacy chemicals, and mixing zones and help it advance change particularly in socially vulnerable communities in the James rivershed where economic and racial disparities exist. Match: $343,560.
Virginia Sea Grant: Commonwealth Coastal and Marine Policy Fellowship
VEE renewed its support for a two-year grant of $30,000 ($15,000 per year) for the Commonwealth Coastal and Marine Policy Fellowship Program which will provide job opportunities and training for at least two post-graduate Fellows who will be placed in state natural resource agencies. Match: $30,000.
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility work in Arlington County
VEE approved a one-year grant of $20,000 for the Trust’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility work in Arlington County as part of its regional conservation work to better serve traditionally unserved communities. Match: $27,204.
Wetlands Watch: Training Planning Commissioners on Plans for Resilience
VEE approved a one-year grant of $10,750 to Wetlands Watch for the development of a comprehensive training program for local planning commissioners and other decision-makers on adapting to climate change challenges. To increase its reach, Wetlands Watch will partner with Virginia Commonwealth University, the Virginia Chapter of the American Planning Association, and the Virginia Association of Counties. Match: $10,750.
Blue Ridge Land Conservancy: Southern Virginia Land Conservancy: Filling a Conservation Need in Virginia
The Board approved a one-year grant of $10,000 to The Blue Ridge Land Conservancy to continue expanding its land conservation work into the western portion of Southern Virginia, a traditionally underserved region. Match: $15,000.
Potomac Riverkeeper Network: Virginians for Swimmable Waterways Program
VEE approved a one-year grant of $23,300 to Potomac Riverkeeper Network to sustain and expand its citizen science water quality monitoring program, including strengthening its partnerships with small “Friends” groups that are monitoring several local sites on Potomac tributaries. Match: $60,000.
Kanawha and Ohio River Valley Program
(VEE has closed this Program)
West Virginia Rivers Coalition: Sustainability for Protection of the Kanawha and Ohio River Watersheds in West Virginia
VEE approved a three-year legacy grant of $215,000 to the West Virginia Rivers Coalition which includes continued funding support for essential programs along with transition funding to help WVRC identify and cultivate new revenue sources and achieve long-term sustainability. Match: $548,045.
Watershed Watch in Kentucky: Citizen Science Monitoring Program Through Focus on Financial Stability
VEE approved a three-year legacy grant of $150,000 to the Watershed Watch in Kentucky (WWKY) which includes continued support for core volunteer monitoring programs along with transition funding to help WWKY with activities related to increasing the long-term financial stability of the organization. Match: $548,045.
Community Conservation Program
Western Virginia Water Authority: Community and Environmental Harm Reduction Through Proper Storage and Disposal of Medications
VEE approved a grant of $136,725 to the Western Virginia Water Authority for a two-year community-wide plan to address the environmental, water quality, and health issues surrounding medication disposal and misuse. Specific activities will include testing the Authority’s wastewater for medication levels, delivering messages to the public, purchasing and distributing residential lockboxes for medications, and coordinating annual “take back” events. Match: $395,000.
New River Land Trust: Northern Headwaters of the Roanoke River Project: 2012 – 2022
VEE approved an 18-month grant of $189,134 to the New River Land Trust to implement restoration activities in the North Fork of the Roanoke River. The grant will result in two stream restorations for a total of 3,900 linear feet accompanied by 16 acres of riparian buffer, with a minimum 35’ width for all buffers. Match: $184,702
Blue Ridge Land Conservancy: Setting Community-based Conservation Priorities in Virginia’s Blue Ridge
VEE approved a three-year grant of $63,152 to the Blue Ridge Land Conservancy for creation of a seven-county proactive land conservation plan designed to identify those parcels with the greatest number and highest quality of conservation values and thereby helping the Conservancy focus its conservation efforts on the most important lands. Match: $39,865.
Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts: Accelerating Implementation of Residential Scale Stormwater BMPs Through Targeted VCAP Funding
VEE approved a grant of $177,600 over three years to the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts to kick start its Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) in the four local soil and water conservation districts that host the Community Conservation Program jurisdictions. The grant VCAP program is aimed at implementing conservation practices on residential and commercial sites, rather than farms. To date, few if any, VCAP projects have occurred in this area of the state. Match: $124,000.
May 29, 2020
VEE is pleased to have partnered with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) to award two scholarships to deserving high school students at the May 29, 2020 annual VJAS Research Symposium. Brooke Eby received the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship, which provides $5,000 over four college years. Brooke attends Central Virginia Governor’s School in Lynchburg. Grace Shen received the Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. Environmental Scholarship, which also provides $5,000 over four college years. Grace attends Blacksburg High School.

Brooke Eby received the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship

Grace Shen received the Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. Environmental Scholarship
June 7, 2019
VEE announced grants totaling over $284,000. View the Press Release.
VEE is pleased to announce that its Senior Program Officer, Roy A. Hoagland, was one of two recipients of the 2019 Erchul Environmental Leadership Award at the 30th annual Environment Virginia Symposium held in March. The Award recognizes an individual for their record of significant individual effort to better our environment over their lifetime or career. Mr. Hoagland has played an integral role in protecting Virginia’s environment for over 30 years. Prior to coming to VEE, he served as the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Vice President of Science, Advocacy and Restoration and as its second Virginia Executive Director; as Director of the William & Mary Law School’s Coastal Policy Center; and as founder of his own consulting practice (Hope Impacts, LLC). The Erchul award is named in honor of the Symposium’s founder and VMI professor, the late Capt. Ronald Erchul. VEE’s Executive Director Joe Maroon was one of the first recipients of the award in 2000.
May 23, 2019
VEE has partnered again with VJAS to award two scholarships to deserving high school students at the annual VJAS Research Symposium on May 23rd at Old Dominion University. Our awards, the Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. Environmental Scholarship and the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship, are $5,000 over four years. This year’s winners are Tahi Wiggins, a 12th-grader at Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School, and James Licato, a 10th-grader at Washington-Lee High School. The awards were presented by our board member, Blair Wimbush. Congratulations to our winners!

Wimbush, left, awards Licato, center, and Wiggins, right.
March 2019
The March 2019 Bay Journal contains an article about VEE’s 2018 James River Water Quality Improvement Program grants. Click here to read the article.
December 11, 2018
VEE announced first grants under the James River Water Quality Improvement Program. View the Press Release.
August 14, 2018
VEE Executive Director Joe Maroon was honored to be inducted into the National Association of Conservation District’s Southeast Region Hall of Fame. View the Press Release from the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts for more information.May 24, 2018VEE is pleased to again partner with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) to award two scholarships to deserving high school students at the annual VJAS Research Symposium. Martha Christino received the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship, which provides $5,000 over four college years. Abigail Kiss received the Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr. Environmental Scholarship, which also provides $5,000 over four college years. Martha is a junior at T. C. Williams High School. Abigail is a senior at Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School for Marine & Environmental Science.
May 10, 2018
VEE announced awards of more than a quarter million dollars for regional projects. View the Press Release.
April 12, 2018
Virginia Environmental Endowment launches new grant program aimed at improving the James River. View the Press Release.
April 1, 2018
VEE is pleased to announce the hiring of Roy Hoagland to serve as Senior Program Officer effective April 1, 2018. He will be working on the Endowment’s new James River Water Quality Improvement Program and several other initiatives.
December 13, 2017
VEE announced awards of more than a quarter million dollars for regional projects. View the Press Release.
October 5, 2017
In 2017, a year of special activities celebrating the Endowment’s 40th Anniversary culminated at the Virginia Historical Society. See the 40th Anniversary page for more information.
May 18, 2017
VEE is pleased to again partner with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) to award two scholarships to deserving high school students at the annual VJAS Research Symposium. Macy Marie Calder received the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship, which provides $5,000 over four college years. Abigail Belvin received the Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr. Environmental Scholarship, which also provides $5,000 over four college years. Both Macy and Abigail are seniors at the Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School for Marine & Environmental Science.

Macy Marie Calder, VEE Executive Director Joseph Maroon, and Abigail Belvin
April 9, 2017
VEE announced awards of more than a quarter million dollars for projects statewide. View the Press Release.
December 13, 2016
VEE announced grants totaling over $180,000. View the Press Release.
August 26, 2016
The Virginia Environmental Endowment is pleased to announce the establishment of the Fund for the Virginia Environmental Endowment, created to bolster efforts to raise additional capital for grant-making to well-vetted and highly regarded nonprofit partners. The Fund enables donors to make tax-deductible donations, and is ideal for friends of the Endowment and those who wish to contribute to environmental improvement but are unsure where to direct their support. Click here to make a gift online in support of the Fund for VEE, or visit the Donating to VEE page for additional information.
May 19, 2016
VEE once again proudly partnered with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) at its annual high school Research Symposium to award two scholarships to deserving students. Ana Humphrey of T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, VA, received the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship, which provides $14,000 over four college years. Skylar Brodowski of Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, VA received the Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr. Environmental Scholarship, which provides $5,000 over four college years. Ms. Humphrey (left) and Ms. Brodowski (right) are pictured below with VJAS Executive Director Susan Booth.
May 16, 2016
The Virginia Environmental Endowment has announced awards of more than $250,000 to 13 organizations dedicated to protecting and improving Virginia’s natural resources and environment. Grants were awarded to improve local water quality, accelerate Chesapeake Bay restoration, increase farmer utilization of nutrient management plans, advance land conservation in Southern Virginia and across the Commonwealth, inform local officials concerning Bay efforts, enhance environmental education and literacy in Richmond and Loudoun schools and statewide, and support coastal policy issues. In advance of the Endowment’s 40th anniversary in 2017, VEE has partnered with the Virginia Institute for Marine Science to update the status of Kepone in the James River which has not been monitored since 2009 due to state budget cuts. When combined with matching funds, VEE has invested more than $77 million in environmental improvements since it was founded in 1977. View the press release.
October 27, 2015
The Virginia Environmental Endowment announced awards of more than $260,000 to protect and improve the region’s natural resources and environment. Eleven organizations will receive financial support, benefitting communities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Kanawha and Ohio River Valleys of West Virginia and Kentucky. The Endowment’s total support in 2015 for more than twenty organizations exceeds $500,000. When combined with matching funds, VEE has invested more than $77 million in environmental improvements statewide since it was founded in 1977. View the press release.
Report on a Forum on Land Conservation in Southern Virginia
VEE’s ongoing efforts to help promote land conservation in Southern Virginia took a major step forward with the convening of a Land Conservation Forum in Chase City on July 29, 2015. VEE partnered with the Land Trust Alliance to develop the one-day forum focused on the future of land conservation in Southern Virginia. Thirty-eight people attended. Participants were asked if they thought private nonprofit land trust services were needed to serve Southern Virginia and, if so, what services such an organization might provide, what geographic area it should serve, what conservation resources need protection, whether community and financial support for such an organization exists, whether such an organization could be sustained over the long term, and what resources outside sources might be able to offer in the way of assistance. The attendees were nearly unanimous in their belief that additional land trust services would benefit land conservation efforts in Southern Virginia. Participants provided extensive feedback in a wide-ranging and open dialogue. An electronic copy of the final Follow-up Report on a Forum on Land Conservation in Southern Virginia can be viewed here.
May 22, 2015
VEE partnered with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) at its annual high school Research Symposium to award the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship ($14,000 over four college years) to Kelly Devens, Roanoke Valley Governor’s School, and the Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr. Environmental Scholarship ($5,000 over four college years) to Robin Thady, Cheasapeake Bay Governor’s School.
May 12, 2015
The Virginia Environmental Endowment announced awards of more than $240,000 to protect and improve the region’s natural resources and environment. When combined with matching funds, grants awarded by VEE since 1977 represent an investment of over $76 million in environmental improvements statewide. View the press release.
May 3, 2015
The Richmond Times-Dispatch published an editorial commending the Virginia Environmental Endowment for its support of Appalachian Harvest and environmental stewardship in general. View the editorial.
January 21, 2015
Click the following link for a recent article about the Virginia Environmental Endowment that provides background on the Endowment.
Appalachian Woodlands Cover Story
December 2014
The Virginia Environmental Endowment recently funded an excellent field guide on illicit discharge detection for localities in the Shenandoah Valley. The report, which was produced by the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission and the Center for Watershed Protection, should be of interest to other localities that have municipal stormwater permits as well as to other interested parties.
November 2014
On November 10, 2014, the Endowment announced awards of nearly $250,000 to protect and improve the region’s natural resources and environment, bringing VEE’s total FY15 grant support for the year to $553,227 (April plus October grants support).
View the press release.
May 30, 2014
VEE Executive Director Joseph Maroon joined Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe, Secretary of Natural Resources Molly Ward, Colonel Paul Olsen, the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation’s Thurston Moore and The Nature Conservancy’s Michael Lipford to celebrate the launch of the Piankatank River Oyster Reef Building Project. Private fundraising for the project was spearheaded by VEE’s partner The Nature Conservancy.
May 20, 2014
VEE announced grants totaling nearly $300,000. View the Press Release.
May 15, 2014
VEE partnered with the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) at its annual high school Research Symposium to award the Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship ($14,000 over four college years) to Catherine Pollack, and the Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr. Environmental Scholarship ($5,000 over four college years) to Jennifer Ratcliffe.