Virginia Environmental Attitudes

To gauge Virginians’ attitudes towards the environment, the Virginia Environmental Endowment has periodically sponsored public opinion surveys. The most recent poll was conducted by the Christopher Newport University’s Wason Center in January/February of 2017 as part of VEE’s 40th anniversary initiatives.  Previous polls were conducted by VEE and CNU in 2009, 2010, and 2011. For a description of each, including the results from the surveys, see the links below:

Virginia Environmental Attitudes 2017 (Focused on Virginians’ views on current environmental issues, trends from prior surveys, and perspectives on continued federal protections and state leadership.)

Virginia Environmental Attitudes 2009
 (Focused on Virginians’ views of climate change, including climate change policy.)

Virginia Environmental Attitudes 2010 (Focused on economic methods of handling the environment and climate change.  Also includes an assessment of Virginia’s environmental health and the state’s most important resources.)

Virginia Environmental Attitudes 2011 (Focused on the crossroads between economic policy and environmental policy, while also assessing Virginians’ personal behavior towards the environment.)

Ramseys Draft in George Washington National Forest